Sunday, January 23, 2011

what I tell myself everyday...


Hello everybody this is the first post this year - I'm back and I'm better faster stronger than ever before :P

 I have a few New Year's resolutions which I hope I will manage to stick to, but I'm not convinced I will so I won't write anything down to tell the world. But anyway, I do hope I will write more often here and make this blog what I always wanted it to be...

Meanwhile, listen to these guys, and if you're not doing it already:
stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride!
 stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride!
  stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride!



  1. De trecut pe lista: "stop chasing shadows"

  2. What a lovely illustrated song! Yes, stop chasing shadows! So much to enjoy.

  3. Daaa :) a fost melodia anului trecut la mine. Foarte ciudat an, frumoasa melodie. Renuntatul la "umbre"/"fantome" e cel mai greu. Pentru ca nu-s reale, se formeaza din asteptarile si fanteziile noastre. Cum spun buddistii? Dorinta este sursa nefericirii. Ma voi face buddista. :D


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